We will begin the new year with Class Act, a showcase of SCMAC student artwork, the fruits of our adult class participants. Then at the end of January we transition into our judged exhibit featuring community voting and cash prizes, Water: Ebb and Flow, where the gamut of this precious element of life will be explored. Next up, Spring Into Art fills the gallery with the exuberance of our annual youth show. In Good Taste is a food-themed exhibit open to members only. Our summer exhibit calls artists to explore an intriguing color-based theme, Black & White + One (one other color). Moving into the fall we will relinquish control of the gallery to our featured artist members, Bela Ravikumar, and Rhea Giroux and Lea Wilson. Finally, for the holiday season, we “wrap up” the year with The Gift of Art.

If you have questions please contact our Curatorial Chair, Johanna McCormick at

2025 Exhibit ScheduleOnline Entry Deadline / Take InExhibit Dates 
Class Act
SCMAC student work / by invitation only
January 2 / January 5January 9 – 25
Water: Ebb and Flow
Annual judged exhibit / open invitational
January 30 / February 2February 6 – March 22
2025 Spring Into Art
Youth art exhibit / open to ages 1 – 20
no online entry / March 30April 3 – 26
In Good Taste
Themed exhibit / members only
May 1 / May 4May 8 – June 21
Black & White + One
Themed exhibit, open invitational
June 26 – June 29July 3 – August 16
Featured Artist: Bela RavikumarAugust 28 – September 20
Featured Artists: Rhea Giroux & Lea WatsonOctober 2 – 25
The Gift of Art
Holiday show / open invitational
October 30 / November 2November 6 – December 22

2025 Exhibit Themes

A Class Act: SCMAC Student Work
For this show we invite students from our 2024 classes to submit their work for display. Artwork does not need to be for sale. This is a chance to highlight our ongoing classes, and the outstanding work of the artists who participate in them. Entry is by invitation only. If you have taken a class at SCMAC in 2024 and would like to participate, please contact your instructor.

Water: Ebb and Flow
Plentiful and taken for granted in some parts of the world and a scarce treasure in others, water is the lifeblood of our earth. It can be as violent as the crashing waves in an ocean storm or as calm and peaceful as an alpine lake. It can harm as well as cure. It can be solid as the ancient ice in a glacier or ethereal as the morning fog in the redwoods. Water takes on many forms and we cannot live without it. Show us how water is represented in your artwork.

Spring into Art: Our 26th Annual Youth Exhibit
Attention young artists! Here’s your chance to share your artwork with the community.
Anyone under the age of 21 is invited to submit artwork in any medium.

In Good Taste
And when we say “Good Taste” we mean art that shows things that taste good! Food has had a way of appearing in art throughout history. As part of our daily existence, harvesting, preparing or eating food seems to find it’s way into the art of most cultures and ages. In the western world just think of Andy Worhal’s Campbell’s Soup Cans, Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party, Cezanne’s Still Life with Apples, Thiebaud’s Cakes and Rockwell’s iconic Freedom From Want. We are familiar with seeing food in art, now show us how you interpret art with Good Taste!

Black & White + One
Here is an exhibit to have fun with! For this restricted-color themed exhibit we ask you to create artwork that only uses black, white and one additional color. You may use any medium, style, or size (as long as it will fit through the front door!). Will it be bold? Will it be subtle? We’re looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Featured Artist: Bela Ravikumar
Featured Artists: Rhea Giroux & Lea Watson
In the fall we will host two short featured artist exhibits. The artists are members of the Art Center and will present bodies of work in a variety of media.

The Gift of Art: Annual Holiday Gift Exhibit
Once again we will have our popular holiday gift exhibit. For this show we ask artists to submit work that is suitable for gift giving. Framed paintings, crafty wall hangings, functional ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, cards, glass, woodwork, etc! All mediums are welcome. But all submissions must be for sale. Open to artists 18 years and older.